Hikes in the District Viseu
The District Viseu is located in the middle of Portugal.
Overview (for high-resolution please click on the map).
The used appreviations are:
Castro Daire (CDR), Lamego (LMG), Moimenta da Beira (MBR), Mangualde (MGL), Mortagua (MRT), Penalva do Castelo (PCT), Penedono (PND), Resende (RSD), Sao Joao da Pesqueira (SJP), Sao Pedro do Sul (SPS), Sátão (SAT), Sernancelhe (SRN), Tabuaço (TBC), Tondela (TND), Viseu (VIS), Vouzela (VZL)
Costs Map and Track: The maps are free to download. However, we ask for a Donation of 0,50 Euro (or any higher amount!). This allows us to keep our team happy who create and update these maps.
You can donate simply with paypal:
NUMBER_WIP | Name | Designation |
Geb | Length (km) | Time | Link |
{NUMMER_WIP} | {Name} | {Bezeichnung} | {Gebiet} | {Wege::Länge} | {Zeit} | {Link} |